
Plenary Speakers

David Bindel, Cornell, USA, SIAG-LA Lecturer

Christoph Helmberg, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany

Leslie Hogben, Iowa State University, USA

Apoorva Khare, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Igor Klep,  University of Auckland, New Zealand

Gitta Kutyniok, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Joseph Landsberg, Texas A&M, USA, LAA Lecturer supported by Elsevier

Federico Poloni, Pisa University, Italy

Nikhil Srivastava, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Yuan Jin Yun, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil


LAA Early Career Speakers

To appear



Invited Mini-Syposia

Topic: Matrix Analysis
Organizers: James PascoeMiklos Palfia

Topic: Frames
OrganizersGitta Kutyniok & Deanna Needell

Topic: Matrix Equations and Matrix Inequalities
OrganizersFuzhen ZhangQing-Wen Wang

TopicAlgebra and Tensor Spaces
OrganizersDavid GleichYang Qi

TopicLinear Algebra and Quantum Information Science
OrganizersYiu-Tung PoonRaymond Nung-Sing SzeSarah Ploskers

TopicCombinatorial Matrix Theory
OrganizersByan ShaderShaun FallatSteve ButlerKevin Vander Meulen

TopicMatrix Techniques in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras
OrganizerHugo Woerdeman

TopicSpectral Graph Theory
OrganizersSebastian CiobaJack KoolenLeonardo Lima

TopicLinear Algebra Education
OrganizersSipedeh StewartRachel Quinlan

TopicNonnegative Inverse Spectral Problems
OrganizersRaphael LoewyRicardo L. Soto


Contributed Mini-Syposia

To appear


Contributed Talks

To appear




MC 1: Graph Theory and Quantum Walks

Gabriel Coutinho, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, UFMG, Brazil
Krystal Guo, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing
Abstract: The study of quantum walks is a relatively new field with relations to Graph Isomorphism, quantum search algorithms and implementation of gate-based quantum algorithms. It is an area which has seen many successful applications of methods in linear algebra and graph theory, especially eigenvalue techniques in graphs. In this mini-course, we will cover basic definitions and properties of discrete and continuous time quantum walks on graphs. In the first lecture, we will talk about state transfer in graphs. In the second lecture, we will talk about the average mixing matrix which would be the analogue of a stationary distribution of a random walk. In the third, we will present the well-known Grover search algorithm as a quantum walk on a graph. In the last lecture, we will discuss many graph invariants given by quantum walks, some of which have inspired possible Graph Isomorphism algorithms. We will not assume any prior knowledge of quantum physics.


MC 2: Title and abstract to be announced

Carlos Tomei, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, PUC-Rio, Brazil


Poster Session

To appear